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Waterproof Cooling Fan use notes

Date: 2015-1-22   Click: 1433 Times

"Waterproof Cooling Fan" is the use of forced hot convection cooling, which by virtue of their diversion effect, making the air to a certain speed, a certain way through the heat sink, the heat exchange between the air and the fins stacked away heat, so that "forced convection" cooling mode. Cooling fan use Precautions:
1. Do not touch the pressing blades and power lines wrapped around the "Waterproof Cooling Fan" or with the use of the cord, this axis will be damaged and power lines;
2. Please avoid dust, water droplets, insects enter and affect the life and defective products;
3. Do not use flammable gas with any hazardous environments;
4, please use within six months, long-term storage on the storage environment and affect "Waterproof Cooling Fan" performance;

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